Discover the Difference: Beyond Employee Satisfaction
In today’s competitive market, satisfied employees alone don’t guarantee growth. The STAR Workplace Program is designed for business owners who want more than a "happy workplace." Our program goes deeper, leveraging alignment and engagement to transform business performance and profitability.

What is Strategic Alignment?
Strategic alignment is the correlation between your strategy as the business owner and the everyday activity of your employees.
Strategically aligned businesses have a strategy that is linked to what their employees are doing every day.
Why is Strategic Alignment important?
Your business currently generates its revenue from your employees, regardless of what industry you are in. How strategically aligned your employees are directly impact your top-line revenue numbers and your bottom-line growth.
Creating a strategically aligned workforce ensures that your employees are working on the strategy that grows your business every day.

Realign and Reignite Your Business Potential
With the STAR Workplace Program, you can unlock the full potential of your team and ensure that every level of your organisation is working toward shared goals. Our comprehensive approach includes:
Team and Management Culture: High performance starts with the right culture. By assessing and enhancing the culture at both team and management levels, STAR helps you foster an environment where everyone contributes positively to your business goals.
Psychosocial Risk Assessments: Employee well-being is now a legislated requirement for all businesses that employ people. As part of the STAR Workplace Program, businesses receive a Psychosocial Risk Sub-Report to highlight their assessed risk, including benchmarking data going back to 2008.
Benchmarking Against the Best: STAR Workplace uses data from over 900 Australian businesses, giving you a clear comparison of where you stand within your market. Our benchmarking insights reveal how your business aligns with industry leaders, spotlighting areas for growth and alignment.